Ultima Actualización: 5 de Octubre del 2022


Full Hosting Solutions, organizada bajo las leyes de México, domiciliada en Av. Florencia # 57, Int. 103, Oficina 103-A, Col. Juárez, Ciudad de México, México, (“Compañía”) la que proporciona servicios de “web hosting” para usted y su compañia,  cuando visita o compra en https://fullhostingsolutions.com/  (“Sitio web”). Full Hosting Solutions provides the aforementioned services, subject to the following conditions:

This agreement (the "AGREEMENT") contains the terms, restrictions and conditions governing the use of the contracted system and services that Full Hosting Solutions makes available to the person interested in using it (the "CUSTOMER"). The terms of service apply to all customers of Full Hosting Solutions

The Terms of Service automatically apply to all customers of Full Hosting Solutions upon placing a purchase order for one or more services including purchase orders through a third party or any business partner.

By placing an order for Full Hosting Solutions you accept the policies contained in this document and agree to abide by them.

Full Hosting Solutions agrees to provide the service(s) described in the purchase order to the named CUSTOMER detailed in the purchase order. Use of Full Hosting Solutions services implies acceptance of and agreement to these terms of service and all attachments. Full Hosting Solutions will make all reasonable efforts and subsequently make continuous improvements to provide quality customer service.  

  1. 1. Traffic Services

Full Hosting Solutions will provide Customer with Internet connection, IP addresses and Internet traffic services (collectively, the "Bandwidth Services"), as specified in the service purchase order.

Customer agrees to use the bandwidth as agreed upon with Full Hosting SolutionsCustomer further agrees that bandwidth shall not exceed the number of gigabytes per month of the services contracted by the customer and that the number of gigabytes is the sum of incoming and outgoing data transfer for a period of one month. Unused bandwidth in one month is not transferable to subsequent months. Full Hosting Solutions will monitor the customer's bandwidth usage and shall have the right to take corrective action if the customer's bandwidth usage exceeds the agreed upon usage. Such corrective action may include the assessment of additional charges based on the published price per gigabyte per service.

  1. 2. IP Address Service

Any IP address assigned to Customer by Full Hosting Solutions must be maintained by Customer efficiently and utilized 80% within 30 days of Full Hosting Solutions assignment to Customer. Failure to comply with this provision may result in revocation of IP addresses after five days once notified to the customer via email. Full Hosting Solutions shall maintain and control ownership of all Internet Protocol numbers and addresses that may be assigned to Customer by Full Hosting Solutions, y Full Hosting Solutions reserves the right to modify or delete any and all such Internet Protocol numbers and addresses, in its sole and absolute discretion. All requests for additional IPs must be fully justified.    

  1. 3. Support Services

3.1 Support Warranties

  1. a. Guarantee of response within 24 hours maximum, only for basic support requested via ticket.
    b. Guarantee of response within 24 hours maximum, only for basic support requested via ticket.
    c. Guarantee of a solution within 72 hours maximum, only for basic support requested via ticket.

3.2 Support Warranty Exceptions

  1. a. Does not include issues that apply in the "Uptime Guarantee", "Abuse Policy", "Service Limitations Policy", "Refund Guarantee", and "Terms and Conditions of Use".
    b. Does not include problems in which the customer has not provided the requested information, or the customer has not performed the steps recommended by the support department.
    c. The support warranty applies only to the support department
    d. The 72-hour solution delivery guarantee does not apply to problems described in "Uptime Guarantee".
    e. Basic support delivered via chat and phone is not guaranteed.
    f. The request for compensation voids the right to request a refund for the same problem.
    g. The support guarantee does not apply to software problems involving the intervention of third parties.
    h. The support warranty does not apply in case of natural disasters.

3.3 Limitations of Basic Support

Basic Support does not include the following types of support listed below. Other types of support requests are included.

  1. a. Any type of configuration.
    b. Configuration problems, installation of software, packages, etc. in the operating system.
    c. Programming or graphic design.
    d. Programming problems.
    e. Installation or configuration of software or applications.
    f. Software or application configuration problems.
    g. Virus, malware, or hacking problems.
    h. Bulk mailing/SPAM problems.
    i. Abuse problems.
    j. Account restoration.
    k. Database programming.
    l. Installation or configuration of software or applications.
    m. Configuration of software from external companies.
  2. 4. Migration Service:

For customers who hire our migration service it will be necessary to schedule it, which must be agreed through our sales team, in turn as a customer you can also coordinate your migration through our ticketing platform.

The migration of accounts will be carried out only from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, requests outside these hours, Saturday, Sunday and holidays must be scheduled through our basic support executives.
News of the migration process, such as start and end, or any other relevant information regarding the operation will be duly informed through the support ticket linked to the process.

4.1 Conditions

The accounts to be migrated must obey the following characteristics:

  1. a. Migrations will only be made to users with an active cPanel account.
    b. The customer must provide valid access credentials to the current provider's panel in a timely manner.
    c. The account to be migrated must have available space to generate the respective backup.
    d. The maximum weight of the account to be migrated is 10 GB the migration process has a maximum duration of 48 working hours from the communication of the start of the process made by our team through support ticket.
    e. Executives of our company must make all the corresponding verifications to assure that the migration is possible.
    f. Customers must deliver valid access credentials in a timely manner, as well as all the technical information regarding the operation of the account to be migrated. Problems associated with access, availability, account space, will be the sole responsibility of the customer. Our company will not intervene in any way.
    g. The migration team is committed to finish the migration process in the times mentioned above, in addition to maintaining updated information through the support ticket. In the event of any inconveniences in the migration process, the client must be informed in a timely manner.
  2. h. The client has a guarantee of 5 working days after the migration process has been completed, any other support request outside of this period will be reviewed by our basic support.
  3. 5. Additional Service: All Ready Pack

The "all-ready package" configuration service is intended for customers who have decided to purchase our range of Linux VPS services. The configuration process will be carried out from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, our specialized team will not be available.

All configuration process must be duly coordinated through our sales team, or otherwise, as a customer you can issue a support ticket requesting the coordination of the operation, which must be framed within the above schedules without exceptions. After hours requests will be handled by our basic support, which will escalate or refer each case to the corresponding team. New developments in the configuration process, such as start and end, or any other relevant information regarding the operation will be duly informed through the support ticket linked to the process. The "all ready" configuration pack includes the following:

  • Easy Apache 4 configuration with rpm-event plus FastCGI.
    MySQL installation.
    Apache installation and configuration.
    cPanel installation.
    CSF installation and configuration.
    Installation of explorer.
    Remote MX Wizard" plugin installation.
    Tweak Settings.
    Basic WHM manager.
    DNS configuration.
    HTOP tool installation.
    Installation of PHP o Versions: 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0
    • Responsibilities:

It is the customer's responsibility to have an active cPanel license at the time of starting the configuration process.

During the configuration process the customer will not be able to access the machine, in case this happens the configuration process will be cancelled immediately.

The advanced support team will only carry out the configuration detailed above, any other additional requirements will NOT be considered.

The support team commits to carry out the configuration of the VPS service within a maximum of 48 business hours.

5.2 Conditions:

Customers opting for the "all ready pack" configuration service must have an active cPanel license. This requirement is mandatory.

The configuration process has a maximum duration of 48 hours, starting from the notification of the start of the configuration process through the respective support ticket. Any support request outside this period will be handled by our basic support. 

  1. 6. Payments

All costs for services, products, one-time installation charges specified in the purchase order must be paid in advance to Full Hosting SolutionsAll such payments made to Full Hosting Solutions shall be supported by a Purchase Order. In addition the customer shall pay all taxes under this agreement. 

All payments must be paid in U.S. dollars (US$) within 15 days from the date of issuance of the purchase order, in the case of renewals these will be issued 15 days prior to the last day of the paid period. Bad checks are subject to a penalty fee.

  1. 7. Purchase Orders and Invoicing

Las órdenes de compra y facturas eriodries se envían vía correo electrónico. Las órdenes de compra por renovación se generarán 15 días antes del término del eriod pagado, dentro de estos 15 días se enviarán 3 notificaciones de pago atrasado. El servicio se suspenderá a las 00:01 am del día siguiente del fin del eriod pagado. Las órdenes de compras vencidas por un periodo superior a 60 días para servicio web hosting y reseller, y 15 días para cualquier otro servicio será terminado y toda la información será eliminada.

  1. 8. Late Payment

Service will be suspended on accounts with overdue purchase orders after three notifications are sent via email within 15 days prior to the due date.

  1. 9. Duration and Termination

The start of the service will begin on the date of the generation of the first purchase order and will be for the period indicated in that document. The service will be renewed for successive periods of the same period indicated in the first purchase order until terminated by either party. The customer agrees to pay the purchase orders for renewal of the service, if the contract is not terminated on the corresponding dates after the initial commitment contained in the purchase order, either party may terminate this contract before the renewal date (the renewal date corresponds to the day of the month detailed in the first purchase order.). The customer must request termination and non-renewal of the service within 48 hours of the renewal date. Full Hosting Solutions may terminate the contract without notice based on the policies applicable to such service.

The termination and non-renewal of the service must be done through the "Client Area" and select the option "Request Cancellation" at least 48 hours before the renewal date. The service can be terminated immediately or once the contract period has expired. There is no refund or credit upon request for early termination of service. You should not request the termination of the service if you wish to request a refund according to the "Refund Policy".

  1. 10. Downgrade and Upgrade

It is not accepted to downgrade or reduce the contracted service plan. In this case, the customer must contract the new service and migrate his previous service to the new service.

Upgrades are allowed within the same type of service and as long as there is sufficient availability of resources and/or stock in the server, node, or datacenter. Upgrades will be charged proportionally from the date of the upgrade request until the next renewal date. The upgrade purchase order must be paid before the upgrade becomes effective. Once the upgrade has been performed, the next renewal purchase order will be issued for the new value of the service. An upgrade is not allowed if the renewal purchase order has already been issued or has a delinquent document issued, the customer must pay the delinquent document before upgrading.

  1. 11. Privacy

Full Hosting Solutions will use the customer's personal information only as reasonably necessary to provide the contracted services, make collections due and will not disclose such information to third parties except as required by law as evidence in an order of a court of competent jurisdiction and to collection services, if necessary. The CLIENT authorizes Full Hosting Solutions to use its name and company name in advertising material documents. At any time, the customer may send a written notice to terminate this authorization.

  1. 12. Immediate Threats

If in reasonable determination Full Hosting Solutions the equipment, software or hosted applications used by Customer or Customer's activities pose an immediate threat to the physical integrity of the premises or the physical integrity of the computer equipment or the integrity of Full Hosting Solutionsor pose an immediate threat to the safety of any person Full Hosting Solutions has the right to take any action it deems necessary without prior notice to Customer and without any liability for damage to equipment or data upon discontinuance of service. As soon as possible after removing the immediate threat, Full Hosting Solutions will inform, by email, the customer of the actions taken or measures taken.   

  1. 13. Insurance

In no event is Full Hosting Solutions obligated to provide insurance coverage for any customer owned equipment or data.

  1. Background

Full Hosting Solutions will make every effort to provide a backup mechanism and keep complete backups of all web hosting and reseller services. However, the customer must maintain a personal backup of their software, sites, databases and all hosted content. Full Hosting Solutions will NOT be held responsible for any data loss or data corruption.

VPS server, dedicated server, and cloud server services do NOT include a backup service. The Client can hire as an additional product the backup service if he/she wishes. Check conditions for each plan.

  1. 15. Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any delay, interruption or failure to perform its obligations if caused by catastrophe, war, declared or undeclared, fire, flood, storm, landslide, earthquake, or other similar event beyond the control of the affected party ("Force Majeure"). If a Force Majeure event occurs, the party affected by the Force Majeure shall promptly notify the other party. The party invoking the Force Majeure shall use commercially reasonable efforts to eliminate or remedy the Force Majeure. This section shall not apply on the pretext of failure to make a payment on a due note.

  1. 16. Resale of Services

direct customer Full Hosting Solutions may resell to its own customers ONLY those services contracted to Full Hosting Solutions that have been designed for this purpose such as Reseller Services, VPS. Full Hosting Solutions does not allow the use of web hosting services to be resold by a third party. Direct Client of Full Hosting Solutions is responsible for any breach of this contract and is the sole and exclusive beneficiary of the warranties attached. Full Hosting Solutions will not provide support and/or assistance to indirect users or customers not registered in the client area system. Direct Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Full Hosting Solutionsits officers, directors, employees from and against any and all liability, costs, expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, related to or arising out of (i) any act or omission committed by Indirect Client that is established as a breach of this Agreement, and (ii) any claim made by any Indirect Client as a result of the use of the services provided by Full Hosting Solutions under this Agreement or otherwise for performance or failure to perform by any party in any way related to this Agreement.      

  1. 17. Suspensions

Our company in order to resolve more quickly the requests of customers affected by suspensions in their services, we have implemented a new team concerned only to review these cases, the department of suspensions is available only from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:30 hours, requests linked to this department that are out of hours, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, will be escalated and notified by our basic support.

17.1 Suspensions:

Customers who see the security of their accounts compromised, will be notified via email with the details of the suspension, the reasons and steps to follow.

Customers with suspended accounts may directly contact our suspensions department, and may request the information they deem appropriate at the times previously mentioned.

Our suspension team will provide information about the affected routes, as well as recommendations to avoid inconveniences in the future.

Each cPanel account has a maximum of 3 (three) suspensions, if the client exceeds this limit, a refund process will be initiated for the account involved.

The account can be suspended for the following reasons:

  • - Mass mailing (SPAM): Accounts that send voluntary or involuntary e-mails will be suspended immediately. This is a serious offense.
    - Phishing: Accounts with routes linked to this type of crime will be suspended immediately. This is considered a serious offense.
    - Account misuse: Customers who make use of the account for purposes that are not associated with the correct use will be suspended, for example, accounts that are used as storage units for files that are indifferent to a website will be suspended.

Repeat offenders:

Accounts that fall into a fourth suspension will NOT be reactivated in our service, for such accounts will begin the process of proportional refund of the account for the unused days, along with this will be delivered a full backup of the account.
The proportional refund of the account will be calculated based on the remaining unused days of the service. More details can be found in the refund policy.

  1. 18. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Full Hosting Solutions and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party.  

  1. 19. Severability

In the event that any provision of these Terms of Service is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision shall nonetheless be enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and the unenforceable portion shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Service, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

  1. 20. Entire Agreement

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

These Terms of Service and any policies or operating rules we post on this site or with respect to the Service constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).

Any ambiguity in the interpretation of these Terms of Service shall not be construed against the party that drafted them.

  1. 21. Applicable Law

These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Mexico.

  1. 22. Changes to the Terms of Service

You may review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time on this page.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and changes on our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

  1. 23. Contact Information

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at info@fullhostingsolutions.com
