Refund and Cancellation Policy

Last update: October 27th, 2022.

Refunds will only be applied to the following situations:

Incidents duly reported via ticket and not resolved within 72 hours and that apply to the "Support Guarantee" and that are directly the responsibility of Full Hosting Solutions. Full Hosting Solutions.


The Customer must send all the necessary documentation to initiate the refund process, the request must be made formally from the customer area of the holder, which must be linked to the service for which the refund is requested. The necessary data for the refund will be requested according to the payment method used.
No refund will be applied to the following situations:

  1. 1. Service renewal payments.
    2.Registration, renewal, and/or transfer of domains.
    3. Additional services such as installation services, configuration services, downloadable products, etc.
    4. Software licenses (cPanel, Softaculous, etc.).
    5. New services that have been active for more than 30 days.


Refunds will be made only on Tuesdays or the next business day and once all the information on the application is duly verified.

  1. 1. Credit Card:

Refund through the transaction reversal request directly.

  1. Debit Card:

Refund through wire transfer to the account holder's details.

In case the client wishes to request a refund for one or more of its services, it has the possibility to charge the amount in money as an available balance in its client area, in order to use the money in pending orders for payment.

Payment method

You can pay by credit card and debit card VISA, MASTER CARD and American Express from the Full Hosting Solutions website, it will notify us by e-mail when you have made your payment. From the notification, within 48 hours your payment will be validated to start processing your order. Full Hosting Solutions, éste nos notificará mediante un e-mail cuando hayas realizado tu pago. A partir de la notificación, en un lapso no mayor a 48 horas quedará validado tu pago para comenzar a procesar tu pedido.
